Monday, January 10, 2011

Eleventh Hour Catherine Coulter

Michael Joseph, is killed in the church by this men that is doing a confession. Unfortunately he tells the men that a confession isn't private that there are two different type of confessions. One type is when you make a sacramental confession, and that is when the father is bound to silence, and the other one is when you just make a confession.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


BY: Shirley Jackson 

In the story Charles by Shirley Jackson, the main is that kids don’t seem to be what they look like. In this story the main character Laurie starts kindergarten at her new school, he goes to school but every time he comes home he tells his mother about some kid named Charles. His mom tells him to tell her everything that happens in school.

Some lessons that we can learn from this short story is that people don’t always are what they look like.This lessons goes well with this story because when the mother goes to the school for parent/teacher conference the teacher tells her that there are no kid in the school names Charles. After that the mom notices that “Charles” is actually his son. Another lesson that we can learn is that to never trust what other people are saying. This happens throughout the story because Laurie tells his mom everything about Charles and the mom actually believe what he’s saying.

Somethings that are important about the main character is that he is a liar and that he no one should believe him because he’s just a child. Another thing is that he is manipulating, because he somehow manipulated his mother in to believing that there was a Charles in the school. Something else is that the main character is a a willing person and he is willing to do anything to get what he wants. Laurie is the type of kid that doesn’t listen to the teachers and that can’t control himself.

One of the themes that I think goes well with this story is Influence. This is a theme that i found in the story Charles, because he gets influenced by his own thoughts in doing things he is not supposed to do . He is also influences by what’s happening in school and how he is dealing with it. This a theme that you can find in this story Charles.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Monkey Garden

Marcelino Olmos                                               11/16/10
                             The Monkey Garden
    In the short story The Monkey Garden by Sandra Cisneros the story is about a girl that is playing in a garden with the rest of her friends,and she sees sally being played around. So she acts quick and tries to stop the boys from forcing her to kiss them but Sally ends up kissing them. My opinion is that the story is confusing at first but then once you read it carefully you get to understand it. The setting in the story takes place in the garden, and you know because the author describes the place with a lot of detail.
    One of the themes in the story is getting over something. In this story the author  describes how she is growing up. In the story on page 98 it says “ They didn’t seem to be my feet anymore. And the garden that had been such a good place to play didn’t seem mine either.” This quote shows that the girl has grown and that the garden that had once been a good place to place wasn’t her place anymore. My opinion of this theme is that people can grow over things once they tried it.
    My opinion about the story is that it’s a good story and you can learned a lot from it. This story was a interesting story because the author knew how to describe the place and how to give you hints about the conflict. A connection that I made from the story to the real world is that anyone can grow up and get over things. This is a connection because some young children go through this, and this is something that is happening in the world. In the beginning of the story I read the before there was a monkey living there.
    In the story the in the plot there are a lot of things that happen. One of the things that happen in the story is the conflict. The conflict in the story is that the girl or the narrator that’s telling the story is trying to grow up and not play like she used to play when she was little. The resolution to this story is that the girl ends up growing up and tell us how the garden that where once she played wasn’t a good place to play anymore. In the beginning of the story the narrator explains that before they went to the garden there was a monkey living in there. and she explains how the flowers were all beautiful and how the plant never grew beyond their roots.

Death Forgiven

Marcelino Olmos                                          11/09/10
                                                         Death Forgiven
  by: Francisco Jimenes
    Can a death of a close friend be forgiven?. Can you forget about someone you had so much fun with?. This are two of the main question I asked my self when I was reading the story “Death Forgiven” By Francisco Jimenes. This story is about  a boy who get a pet parrot  El Perico”. Many things happen in this story that changes the mood of it. Some themes that you could find in this story are friendship, family and responsibility. .
    One of the themes in the story is friendship. This is a theme I found in the story because on page 57 where it says “ El Perico, my close friend had a tragic ending” This quote shows that the boy and the parrot where close friends and that he had a lot of fun with the parrot. Another quote that shows that friendship is one of the themes; is where it says “The affection El Peric and I had for each other was matched only by his attachment to Catarina a spotted black cat.” This means that he was well attached to the parrot just like the parrot was with the cat.
    Another theme that I was able to find in the story is Family. Family is one theme that I found on the story because on page 57 it says “ Once he learned to trust us, he become a family member”  This shows that the parrot become a family member once he was able to trust them. One more quote that I found was  “ I, and the rest of my family grew to love El Perico” This shows that the family loved to be with El Perico.
    The last theme that I was able to find in the story was responsibility. Responsibility is another theme because in the story on the last page where it says, “ Roberto, Trampita and I buried El Perico in a cigar box.” This shows that he was responsible to have buried the body instead of just throwing it. Another quote that shows that he is responsible is that on page 58 it says “ I would place a grape box underneath El Perico ,stretch  my arm and hold my index, close to his toes so that he could perch on it”. This shows that he would the parrot his food .

Eyes and Teeth

Marcelino Olmos                                             10/25/10
                                  Eyes and Teeth
                                       by: Wanda Coleman
    In this story Eyes and Teeth written by Wanda Coleman. The main theme of this story is  racism, personality and point of view of things. The main characters of this story are Buzz, the  girl, Buzz’s mom, and the girl’s mom. In the beginning of the story, it tell hows Buzz and the  girl enjoy being together and playing. This story is about a boy that he is happy to be what he is until he hears something that changes his life forever.
    One of the themes of the story is personality. At the start of the story Buzz says how much he likes to be around the girl. It’s also personality because when Buzz hears his own mom say bad things about him he starts to change and act different from that point on.  It’s also personality because when Buzz, hears to conversation between his mom and the girl’s mom he reacts to it in a angry mood and sadness.
    One of the other themes that I think shows in the story is point of view. I think this is one of the other themes because in the story, when Buzz’s mom says things about him it’s her point of view of the way he looks and how she feels about him. This goes with the story because when Buzz heard his mom says things his point of view of the situation was that his mom was being mean and kind of racist to him. This story has this theme because in the story there are different kind of views.
    The final and last theme that goes with the story is racism.  This theme is another theme that can be found in the story.  When Buzz’s mother says “ I can’t stand to look at nothings but black”.This shows that his own mom is being racist against Buzz. When Buzz hears that, he suddenly changes and thinks that his mother is being races to his color and how he looks.  Also when his mom says that he is all ugly and dark skinned, Buzz reacts with sadness because he sees that his mom is being mean about the way he looks.
    In conclusion to the story is that, after he hears the conversation between his mom and the girl’s mom he goes away for twenty years and no one sees him for that tine. Until he comes back with his beautiful wife and two babies. When his mom sees him again she says “ have you looked at his children they’ll all beautiful and they look like his father”  In this quote I think that what the mother is saying is that the children are just as ugly as he is.